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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the TM Flow device enhance patient care for older adults and those with a history of smoking or circulation problems?2024-06-26T20:24:37+00:00

For older adults and individuals with a history of smoking or circulation problems, the TM Flow device is particularly beneficial. It performs the ankle-brachial index (ABI) test, which is recommended by the American Heart Association for adults aged 50+ with such histories and all adults over 70 years old. This test helps in the early detection of peripheral artery disease (PAD), enabling timely management and treatment. The TM Flow device’s comprehensive assessments ensure that patients receive accurate diagnoses and appropriate care, improving overall health outcome.

What are the benefits of using the TM Flow device in a medical practice?2024-06-26T20:24:23+00:00

The TM Flow device offers numerous benefits for medical practices, including non-invasive and accurate testing, early detection of autonomic and arterial dysfunctions, and comprehensive diagnostics that reduce the overall cost of patient care. Additionally, the device’s tests are easy to bill with multi-code diagnostics, making it a valuable investment for enhancing patient care and optimizing practice efficiency. It also supports compliance with standards of care recommended by leading health organizations.

Is the TM Flow device covered by insurance?2024-06-26T20:24:12+00:00

Yes, the TM Flow device is covered by Medicare and most private pay carriers. Specific CPT codes, such as 95921 for cardiovagal innervation and 93923 for ankle-brachial pressure index, ensure that the diagnostics are easy to bill. Coverage and reimbursements may vary depending on the Medicare locality, but the comprehensive diagnostics offered by the TM Flow device are widely recognized and supported by insurance providers.

Why is autonomic nervous system testing important for diabetes and cardiovascular patients?2024-06-26T20:23:56+00:00

Autonomic nervous system testing is crucial for diabetes and cardiovascular patients because it helps in the early detection of autonomic neuropathy, which is a common complication in these conditions. Early detection through ANS testing allows for timely intervention and management, reducing the risk of further complications. The American Diabetes Association recommends ANS testing as a standard of care for patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, highlighting its importance in effective diabetes management.

What is the TM Flow device and how does it work?2024-06-26T20:23:37+00:00

The TM Flow device is an advanced, non-invasive diagnostic tool designed to perform a series of tests that aid in the identification and early detection of autonomic nervous system (ANS) and arterial dysfunctions. It provides quantitative assessments of the ANS, helping to distinguish between early and late stages of autonomic neuropathy. The TM Flow device is particularly valuable for cardiovascular and diabetic autonomic neuropathy (DAN) testing, making it an essential tool in diabetes management and cardiovascular assessments.

TM Flow in Boise Idaho

The TM Flow is a diagnostic testing system that will add revenue to your practice immediately by adding new diagnostics services to your practice that are reimbursable by insurance companies when performed on Medicare eligible patients. The TM Flow is an all-in-one system that is going to be a game changer in your practice. You will get 10x the amount of patients through your door with our easy marketing solutions. Our extensive, educational training will give you the knowledge needed to win over new patients. Patients love our products and many have had their lives changed through Sudomotor Testing. Your patients are going to find you with our powerful marketing solutions that we offer

A diagnostic testing system that gets reimbursed

Reimbursement: reimbursing your practice for the time, effort and equipment used in diagnosing peripheral neuropathy.

Peripheral neuropathy is a common condition that affects the peripheral nervous system. A person with this condition may experience numbness and tingling sensations in their hands and feet, as well as a loss of balance or coordination. It can be caused by diabetes, alcoholism or nutritional deficiencies. Because it is so prevalent among patients with diabetes, insurance companies have begun to pay for diagnostic testing related to peripheral neuropathy; however, if you don’t know how to code your tests correctly then your practice will not receive reimbursement from these companies.

In order to ensure that you are maximizing reimbursement on all tests performed by your practice it’s important to use a diagnostic testing system like The TM Flow which helps with coding based on national guidelines set forth by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM). This system also allows you access all necessary documentation required by Medicare such as billing codes needed for obtaining payment from them as well as any other third party payer like Cigna Blue Cross Blue Shield or UnitedHealthcare

A simple approach to getting a true diagnosis

  • Sudomotor Testing is a simple test that can be performed in the office.
  • Sudomotor Testing is a diagnostic test that can be performed by any physician.
  • Sudomotor Testing is an easy test to perform and it is easy to interpret the results.

A body scanner to show your progress

A body scanner is used to show progress of neuropathy.

Using the latest technology and cutting edge procedures, specialists of Idaho is helping patients regain their independence and quality of life after suffering from peripheral neuropathy.

Peripheral neuropathy is a neurological disorder that affects the peripheral nerves. The peripheral nerves are those nerves outside of your central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal cord. Peripheral neuropathy can result from an underlying disease, drug reaction, damage to nerve fibers due to physical injury or compression of a nerve by bony protrusions or tumors in the spine.

Peripheral neuropathy causes numbness, tingling and weakness in the hands and feet. If it is severe enough it may cause difficulty walking. As peripheral neuropathy progresses there is a risk of permanent damage to the body’s temperature control center located in your brain stem and this can lead to chronic pain conditions such as trigeminal neuralgia (facial pain), diabetic neuropathy (foot burning) etc..

TM Flow will add revenue to your practice immediately by adding new diagnostics services to your practice that are reimbursable by insurance companies when performed on Medicare eligible patients.

As a result of the TM Flow, your patients will be able to receive services that are reimbursable by insurance companies when performed on Medicare eligible patients. This will allow you to increase revenue immediately by adding new diagnostics services to your practice that were previously unavailable or too expensive to offer.

The TM Flow is an all-in-one system that is going to be a game changer in your practice.

The TM Flow is an all-in-one system that is going to be a game changer in your practice. It combines the best of both worlds–a comprehensive, high quality, and easy to use diagnostic testing system.

You will get 10x the amount of patients through your door with our easy marketing solutions.

The TM Flow is a great marketing tool and will help you to build a successful practice. You can use the TM Flow to grow your patient base, as well as improve your reputation and brand. We will help you get more patients through the door by using our easy marketing solutions.

We will help you get more referrals. The TM Flow is also an amazing tool for getting more referrals from current clients. We will show you how to create a system that encourages clients to refer friends, family members and colleagues to see you.

Our team has helped hundreds of doctors succeed in Boise Idaho with their marketing needs.Learn how we can help.

Our extensive, educational training will give you the knowledge needed to win over new patients.

With our extensive, educational training, you will learn the knowledge needed to win over new patients. Our team will teach you how to diagnose and treat TM dysfunction without the use of drugs or surgery. We know that there are many physicians in Boise who can perform this crucial procedure, but only one physician practice has the experience necessary to make it successful at scale: The MD Flow™.

We have been using our proprietary technology for over 10 years now, and we have successfully treated thousands of patients with TM dysfunction—that’s more than any other clinic in Boise! Our staff is highly trained when it comes to sudomotor testing and our CPT code 95921 methodologies are second-to-none.

Patients love our products and many have had their lives changed through Sudomotor Testing.

Patients love our products and many have had their lives changed through Sudomotor Testing. If you are not familiar with the results from a TM Flow test or how it can help a patient, please contact us today to learn more.

Your patients are going to find you with our powerful marketing solutions that we offer.

You can also create your own custom video for your practice by simply clicking on the “Get Started” button below. Your first video is completely free!

You will get more referrals with the TM Flow

The TM Flow is a referral machine, and it will help you get more referrals from your patients.

It’s also a great way to build relationships with other healthcare providers, because as they see what you’re doing and how well things are going for the patients who come through your door, they’ll think: “Hey! You know what? I’m gonna refer my next patient to them,” and then they’ll do that.


The TM Flow is a revolutionary system that will change the way you practice medicine in Idaho. There are many benefits to using this system, from more patients through your door to increased revenue by performing Medicare-reimbursable services. The time is now for you to take advantage of all the benefits that come with using this technology!


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