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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the TM Flow device enhance patient care for older adults and those with a history of smoking or circulation problems?2024-06-26T20:24:37+00:00

For older adults and individuals with a history of smoking or circulation problems, the TM Flow device is particularly beneficial. It performs the ankle-brachial index (ABI) test, which is recommended by the American Heart Association for adults aged 50+ with such histories and all adults over 70 years old. This test helps in the early detection of peripheral artery disease (PAD), enabling timely management and treatment. The TM Flow device’s comprehensive assessments ensure that patients receive accurate diagnoses and appropriate care, improving overall health outcome.

What are the benefits of using the TM Flow device in a medical practice?2024-06-26T20:24:23+00:00

The TM Flow device offers numerous benefits for medical practices, including non-invasive and accurate testing, early detection of autonomic and arterial dysfunctions, and comprehensive diagnostics that reduce the overall cost of patient care. Additionally, the device’s tests are easy to bill with multi-code diagnostics, making it a valuable investment for enhancing patient care and optimizing practice efficiency. It also supports compliance with standards of care recommended by leading health organizations.

Is the TM Flow device covered by insurance?2024-06-26T20:24:12+00:00

Yes, the TM Flow device is covered by Medicare and most private pay carriers. Specific CPT codes, such as 95921 for cardiovagal innervation and 93923 for ankle-brachial pressure index, ensure that the diagnostics are easy to bill. Coverage and reimbursements may vary depending on the Medicare locality, but the comprehensive diagnostics offered by the TM Flow device are widely recognized and supported by insurance providers.

Why is autonomic nervous system testing important for diabetes and cardiovascular patients?2024-06-26T20:23:56+00:00

Autonomic nervous system testing is crucial for diabetes and cardiovascular patients because it helps in the early detection of autonomic neuropathy, which is a common complication in these conditions. Early detection through ANS testing allows for timely intervention and management, reducing the risk of further complications. The American Diabetes Association recommends ANS testing as a standard of care for patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, highlighting its importance in effective diabetes management.

What is the TM Flow device and how does it work?2024-06-26T20:23:37+00:00

The TM Flow device is an advanced, non-invasive diagnostic tool designed to perform a series of tests that aid in the identification and early detection of autonomic nervous system (ANS) and arterial dysfunctions. It provides quantitative assessments of the ANS, helping to distinguish between early and late stages of autonomic neuropathy. The TM Flow device is particularly valuable for cardiovascular and diabetic autonomic neuropathy (DAN) testing, making it an essential tool in diabetes management and cardiovascular assessments.

TM Flow in Albuquerque

The TM Flow is a new diagnostic test that can help diagnose and monitor neuropathy, or nerve damage. Neuropathy can result from diabetes and other conditions, such as vitamin B12 deficiency or leprosy. In the past, diagnosing neuropathy was an inexact science because it relies on subjective reporting by patients.

New standards for diagnosing neuropathy.

The sudomotor testing is the gold standard for diagnosing neuropathy, but it’s not always available. However, in today’s world of health care, there are few things more important than diagnosing and treating a disease early on. With that in mind, let’s look at some ways to do just that.

  • Sudomotor testing is the only test that can diagnose a wide range of neuropathies:
  • autonomic (autonomic nervous system) – diabetes
  • neurological – spinal cord injuries including traumatic brain injury (TBI)

What is the TM Flow?

The TM Flow test measures sweat flow from the hands and feet, which will be used to diagnose neuropathy. This test is painless and non-invasive. It can be used to monitor progress in patients with neuropathy as well.

How does it work?

The patient’s hands or feet will be placed on a metal plate that has been cooled by dry ice; then he/she will wear an infrared light source while they are subjected to mild heat (around 90 degrees Fahrenheit). The metal plate then removes any excess moisture on the skin surface before sending it through an instrument called a “sweat generator” which sends out infrared light for about 20 minutes at a time (the amount of times depends on how many times per day you want him/her tested). The more infrared light absorbed means faster sweat rate; this means better circulation!

TM Flow and Reimbursement.

TM Flow is an easy-to-learn test that can be performed in the office or in the hospital. It is reimbursed by Medicare and most other insurance companies, making it an affordable option for pain clinics.

TM Flow is a comprehensive test for diagnosing neuropathy and understanding its severity. By incorporating large numbers of sensory fibers into one exam, TM Flow provides information about both quantitative (intensity) and qualitative (location) features of your symptoms.

How can you find TM Flow?

Look for a provider who offers sudomotor testing.

Look for a provider who offers TM Flow.

Look for a provider who offers wellness visits.

Look for a provider who offers pain management or other specialized services.

Look for a provider that provides reimbursement (for example, by accepting your insurance).

Look for a provider who offers sudomotor testing.

If you are looking for a provider who offers sudomotor testing, TM Flow and Neuropathy Pain Management, look for a provider who offers Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Management. If you want a provider who specializes in Diabetic Neuropathy Pain Management, this is the place to go.


We hope this blog post has given you an idea of what to look for when searching for a TM Flow provider. If you have any questions or are ready to take your first step towards living pain-free, don’t hesitate to contact us today!


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