
The TM Flow is a cutting edge diagnostic for the peripheral nervous system. The TM Flow is now available in the Tampa Bay area. What is the TM Flow? A new, patient-friendly diagnostic service for autonomic and peripheral neuropathy, the TM Flow is now available in the Tampa Bay area. What does the test measure? How does the test work? Why is this test beneficial? Who conducts the test? What happens during a typical test? Where can I obtain this service in my area?

The TM Flow is a cutting edge diagnostic for the peripheral nervous system.

The TM Flow is a cutting-edge diagnostic service for autonomic and peripheral neuropathy. It is available in the Tampa Bay area at The Movement Center of Tampa Bay.

The TM Flow is a patient-friendly, non-invasive test which provides accurate information about nervous system function, including the spinal cord, brainstem and autonomic nervous system (ANS). The results allow us to identify the cause of symptoms such as fatigue, lightheadedness and nausea; diagnose blood pressure disorders such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS); monitor response to treatment; assess severity of disease progression; assess risk for injury or falls due to nerve damage; predict future development of POTS or other chronic conditions related to ANS dysfunction; detect early signs of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) or impaired glucose tolerance that would benefit from lifestyle modification before progression into full blown DM2 occurs; evaluate effects of medications on ANS function in order to determine optimal dosage and/or substitutions if necessary

A new, patient-friendly diagnostic service for autonomic and peripheral neuropathy, the TM Flow is now available in the Tampa Bay area.

The TM Flow is a new, patient-friendly diagnostic service for autonomic and peripheral neuropathy. The TM Flow is now available in the Tampa Bay area.

The TM Flow is a cutting edge diagnostic for the peripheral nervous system that rapidly evaluates patients with suspected abnormalities of sensory function, motor function and autonomic function using a noninvasive technique. It can be performed on an outpatient basis by any physician with no specialized training required.

What is the TM Flow?

The TM Flow is a new, patient-friendly diagnostic service for autonomic and peripheral neuropathy. The TM Flow is an autonomic function test that measures the response of the autonomic nervous system to different stimuli.

It’s very similar in concept to the tilt table test, but it can be done in a clinic setting without having to go under general anesthesia or sedation. The test takes about 20 minutes and does not require you to be hooked up to an IV.

What does the test measure?

The TM Flow is a diagnostic test for autonomic and peripheral neuropathy. It measures the sudomotor response of your hands and feet to determine if you have a problem with sweating. The sudomotor response is the ability to sweat.

How does the test work?

The TM flow test is administered in a seated position, as opposed to standing. Patients are asked to breathe in and out at a steady pace for about one minute, then hold their breath for three seconds. The patient then tries to hold their breath for as long as they can. The test ends when the patient loses consciousness or passes out from lack of oxygen.

Why is this test beneficial?

The TM Flow test is one of the best ways to determine if you have neuropathy. The test provides a diagnosis for your nerves, as well as a prognosis for them and helps you understand how they may progress.

Why is this test beneficial?

  • It provides a diagnosis of neuropathy—whether your nerve damage is due to diabetes, chemotherapy or other causes.
  • It provides an assessment of nerve damage that can help determine if it is reversible, progressive or stable.

Who conducts the test?

The TM Flow test is conducted and interpreted by a doctor, not a technician. The doctor will then recommend a treatment plan.

What happens during a typical test?

The tilt table test is typically done on a flat, padded table that tilts 60 degrees to the horizontal. You will be asked to lie down on your back and attach electrodes to your chest and other parts of your body for monitoring heart rate and blood pressure. The doctor may also place an IV line in your arm so she can inject a contrast dye into it.

The doctor will ask you to breathe deeply several times before attaching the electrodes and asking you to hold your breath for 30 seconds without taking any breaths during this time period (this is called apnea). You may also feel some mild discomfort when lying on the tilted surface as it presses against certain areas of your body; however, this should not cause any pain or require treatment once you are back vertical again.

Where can I obtain this service in my area?

If you’re looking for a therapist in the Tampa Bay area, there are multiple locations where you can receive this service. To find out the location nearest you and their services, visit their website or call them directly at _____________.


We hope this information has helped you understand what the TM Flow is and how it works. If you have any questions about the test or would like more information, please contact us at (813) 867-9800 or visit our website at for more details about this service in Tampa Bay, FL area.