
Although the TM Flow is a highly reimbursable diagnostic in Portland, OR, many practitioners do not know how to use it. This is because the TM Flow is a peripheral neuropathy diagnostic that has been used primarily by neurologists and neurophysiologists. The device is easy to learn and use so that anyone can take advantage of this cutting edge technology. The TM Flow offers the ability to diagnose patients with neuropathy early within the physician’s office before motor and sensory symptoms present themselves. The device was developed by Drs. Mark Rosenfeld and David Bock in 2002 as an alternative method for testing sudomotor function in patients who cannot or will not follow standard sudomotor testing protocols due to pain or discomfort associated with conventional techniques (such as pinprick testing).

The TM Flow can help you generate income by using existing patient flow

The TM Flow is a highly reimbursable diagnostic that can help you generate income by using existing patient flow. The TM Flow is the only peripheral neuropathy test that can be billed under 95921, 95923 and 93923. The TM Flow is simple to use and can be performed in a few minutes.

The TM Flow is a peripheral neuropathy diagnostic that can be billed under 95921, 95923 and 93923

The TM Flow is a highly reimbursable peripheral neuropathy diagnostic that can be billed under 95921, 95923 and 93923. The TM Flow is an electrodiagnostic test that uses the patient’s thumb or index finger to assess nerve function in their hands and arms.

Sudomotor testing has been standard of care for neuropathy diagnostics for many years. It is the best way to identify neuropathy early, before motor and sensory symptoms present.

Neuropathy is a progressive disease that causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the feet and hands. It can be caused by diabetes or other conditions.

Sudomotor testing has been standard of care for neuropathy diagnostics for many years. It is the best way to identify neuropathy early, before motor and sensory symptoms present themselves as pain and weakness.

The TM Flow offers a method of neuropathy testing that meets all CMS coverage criteria as well as ICD-10 coding requirements.

The TM Flow is a highly reimbursable diagnostic that meets all CMS coverage criteria as well as ICD-10 coding requirements. The TM Flow offers a method of neuropathy testing that can be used to diagnose neuropathy in any practice setting.

The TM Flow can be used to diagnose patients with neuropathy in any practice setting

The TM Flow can be used to diagnose patients with neuropathy in any practice setting.

If you are a chiropractor, physical therapist, occupational therapist or massage therapist who performs direct patient care and would like to expand your services by offering the TM Flow as a diagnostic tool, this article will give you the information needed to make an informed decision about whether it is right for your practice.


The TM Flow is a highly reimbursable diagnostic in Portland, OR. It can be used to diagnose patients with neuropathy in any practice setting and offers a method of neuropathy testing that meets all CMS coverage criteria as well as ICD-10 coding requirements. It is the best way to identify neuropathy early, before motor and sensory symptoms present.