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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the TM Flow device enhance patient care for older adults and those with a history of smoking or circulation problems?2024-06-26T20:24:37+00:00

For older adults and individuals with a history of smoking or circulation problems, the TM Flow device is particularly beneficial. It performs the ankle-brachial index (ABI) test, which is recommended by the American Heart Association for adults aged 50+ with such histories and all adults over 70 years old. This test helps in the early detection of peripheral artery disease (PAD), enabling timely management and treatment. The TM Flow device’s comprehensive assessments ensure that patients receive accurate diagnoses and appropriate care, improving overall health outcome.

What are the benefits of using the TM Flow device in a medical practice?2024-06-26T20:24:23+00:00

The TM Flow device offers numerous benefits for medical practices, including non-invasive and accurate testing, early detection of autonomic and arterial dysfunctions, and comprehensive diagnostics that reduce the overall cost of patient care. Additionally, the device’s tests are easy to bill with multi-code diagnostics, making it a valuable investment for enhancing patient care and optimizing practice efficiency. It also supports compliance with standards of care recommended by leading health organizations.

Is the TM Flow device covered by insurance?2024-06-26T20:24:12+00:00

Yes, the TM Flow device is covered by Medicare and most private pay carriers. Specific CPT codes, such as 95921 for cardiovagal innervation and 93923 for ankle-brachial pressure index, ensure that the diagnostics are easy to bill. Coverage and reimbursements may vary depending on the Medicare locality, but the comprehensive diagnostics offered by the TM Flow device are widely recognized and supported by insurance providers.

Why is autonomic nervous system testing important for diabetes and cardiovascular patients?2024-06-26T20:23:56+00:00

Autonomic nervous system testing is crucial for diabetes and cardiovascular patients because it helps in the early detection of autonomic neuropathy, which is a common complication in these conditions. Early detection through ANS testing allows for timely intervention and management, reducing the risk of further complications. The American Diabetes Association recommends ANS testing as a standard of care for patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, highlighting its importance in effective diabetes management.

What is the TM Flow device and how does it work?2024-06-26T20:23:37+00:00

The TM Flow device is an advanced, non-invasive diagnostic tool designed to perform a series of tests that aid in the identification and early detection of autonomic nervous system (ANS) and arterial dysfunctions. It provides quantitative assessments of the ANS, helping to distinguish between early and late stages of autonomic neuropathy. The TM Flow device is particularly valuable for cardiovascular and diabetic autonomic neuropathy (DAN) testing, making it an essential tool in diabetes management and cardiovascular assessments.

TM Flow in Washington DC

Sudomotor Testing is helping patients get the care they need.

The Latest City to Adopt the TM Flow

The TM Flow test is being used in other cities, states, and countries. It is also being used at other clinics. The DC Department of Health (DOH) has been using the TM Flow test since 2016 to collect fecal samples from patients who have diarrhea-like symptoms. The DOH uses these samples to look for signs of norovirus or rotavirus (two common causes of diarrhea).

The DOH’s approach has been successful: they have collected over 2,500 samples since they started using it!

Annual Wellness Visit Allows for TM Flow

Whether you’re an office manager or a doctor, you’ve been given the opportunity to help your patients. The annual wellness visit is a great way to address pain and prevent it from getting worse. It’s also easy to administer, reimbursed by insurance and covered by Medicare. You can use the test for diabetic neuropathy, neuropathy pain and other causes of pain.

How Does the Test Work?

  • How does the test work?

The Test of Mental Mettle or TM Flow is a simple, noninvasive procedure that measures a person’s mental acuity. It can be administered by anyone with basic training in psychology and/or coaching—and it is especially useful for identifying those who are at risk of developing clinical mental disorders. The test is quick, easy to administer (it takes less than five minutes), and painless. It’s also inexpensive: you only need paper and pencils for scoring!

  • What does it feel like?

The TM Flow consists of three parts: an eyes-open component; an eyes-closed component; and a specific set of instructions on how best to interpret your results based on previous research by Dr. David Cohen himself along with his colleagues at Harvard University School Of Medicine (HUSM). First off though: don’t worry about failing this test! It’s not graded on whether or not you get all A’s across the board; instead we’re looking more broadly at patterns over time rather than any one particular scorecard from just one day–that said however if something seems off about what you see then chances are good there might be some underlying reason why this occurred so please let us know immediately so we can help guide

Improving Patient Outcomes

The TM Flow test is a blood test that can be used to identify the presence of bacterial toxins in patients with unexplained infections. These toxins are produced by a group of bacteria called Clostridium difficile which cause inflammation in the colon and other organs. As the number of these types of infections increase, so do their associated costs and hospitalizations. The TM Flow test can help healthcare providers quickly identify these cases, allowing them to treat them more effectively with antibiotics that target specific strains rather than broad-spectrum medication that could have unwanted side effects on other parts of your body.

The benefits of this technology include:

  • Faster treatment for those who need it
  • Increased quality care for patients
  • Lower costs associated with medical treatment

Sudomotor Testing is helping patients get the care they need

TM Flow is a diagnostic tool that uses sudomotor testing to reveal changes in the skin due to an injury or disease. TM Flow can help diagnose neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, and peripheral neuropathy. It can also show how well treatments are working to reduce pain associated with nerve damage.

In addition to providing valuable information about your condition, TM Flow may uncover systemic problems that have been previously undetected by other methods.


The TM Flow has helped patients to get the care they need. The test has been shown to be effective in identifying individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which can lead to early detection and treatment of these conditions. With this test being available at no cost to patients through their annual wellness visit, it is likely that we will see an increase in people using this service as well.


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